
Electronics Online ZenCart Template

ZenCart Templates

The contrast of black and white elements will serve like a magnet attracting the users. Huge slider images advertize the best store offers. Featured products have hover effect and are supplied with two call-to-action buttons. Categories search in the sidebar makes the navigation easier for the buyer.

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"Template #" 40589
Тип: ZenCart Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 0
Keywords: system shop online delivery technology laptop electronics office connection computer accessory server camera cable device notebook hardware memory wireless installation monitor pc scanner shipment desktop printer staff portable processor input
Live Demo Buy
Template # 40589
Type: ZenCart Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 0
Keywords: system shop online delivery technology laptop electronics office connection computer accessory server camera cable device notebook hardware memory wireless installation monitor pc scanner shipment desktop printer staff portable processor input
Color: black, white, grey,

Features: Admin Panel, Online Store/Shop, JQuery, HTML plus JS,

Template Sources: .PSD, .PHP,

Template Software Required: Adobe Photoshop CC+, PHP 5.2.14+, MySQL 4.1.3+, Apache 2+, PHP supporting CURL with OpenSSL, Zen Cart 1.5.x,

Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

tags: accessory, cable, camera, cms, computer, connection, convert, delivery, desktop, device, electronics, hardware, input, installation, laptop, memory, monitor, notebook, office, online, portable, printer, processor, scanner, server, shipment, shop, staff, system, technology, wireless, pc,

Topic: Electronics Templates, Electronics Store Templates,