Marketing Specialist - Email Signature Template V6

The Marketing Specialist Email Signature Template V6 is the epitome of email signature design. Its sleek layout and engaging visuals make it the perfect showcase for your role and contact information. The design is visually appealing, making it a great choice for marketing professionals.
It is easy to add to your email with settings, simply drag it into the signature panel with your logo, and social profile, and you can easily change its text & color from well as Photoshop, Figma, XD & Sketch.
- 3 Different designs
- Design that is easy to adjust
- Layers are well organized and neat
- Open source fonts
- File include .fig .xd .sketch .psd
- Global text and color styles
- Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop
- All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the main file.
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"Template #" 417017 | |
Тип: | UI Elements |
Author: | twinletter |
Downloads: | 0 |
Keywords: marketing promotion research company specialist commerce strategy mail signature identity contact retail selling newsletter creation |
Template # 417017 |
Type: UI Elements |
Author: twinletter |
Downloads: 0 |
Keywords: marketing promotion research company specialist commerce strategy mail signature identity contact retail selling newsletter creation |
Color: white, pink,
tags: commerce, company, contact, creation, identity, mail, marketing, newsletter, promotion, research, retail, selling, signature, specialist, strategy,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Sketch,
filesIncluded: PSD, XD, FIG,