
Warm Reflections - Stock Music

Stock Music

- Laidback, light, and positive track with acoustic guitars, and pads. Beautiful guitar patterns evoke feelings of inspiration and peace and bring about images of nature, summer, and travel

- Best background music for nature, family, the beauty of nature, landscapes, lifestyle, tutorials, presentations, documentaries, inspiring projects, commercials, slideshows, television, explanation videos, summer traveling, fishing videos, and other media projects.

Comes with the full mix, and there are also edits: 60 sec, 30 sec, a sting, and a loop. Additional track lengths: 1:00, 0:30, 0:07, 1:29

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"Template #" 420870
Тип: Stock Music
Author: TOShootmusic
Downloads: 0
Keywords: business travel happy camping nature advertising dreamy soft summer fun light acoustic commercial calm uplifting inspiring guitar positive catchy peaceful relaxed
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Template # 420870
Type: Stock Music
Author: TOShootmusic
Downloads: 0
Keywords: business travel happy camping nature advertising dreamy soft summer fun light acoustic commercial calm uplifting inspiring guitar positive catchy peaceful relaxed
Color: black, orange,

tags: advertising, business, calm, camping, catchy, commercial, dreamy, fun, happy, inspiring, light, nature, peaceful, positive, relaxed, soft, summer, travel, uplifting, acoustic guitar,

audioFilesIncluded: MP3, WAV,

Topic: Ambient, Folk Acoustic,

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