
Akhir - IT Solution & Business Service Landing Page Template

Landing Page Templates

Akhir - IT Solution & Business Service Landing Page Template

As businesses become more tech-savvy and dependent on IT services and solutions, it is essential for them to have a landing page template that accurately reflects the brand. Whether you are a digital agency or an IT Solutions provider, having the right kind of web page template can help you stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

The IT Solution & Business Service Landing Page Template provides the perfect solution for companies looking for an easy-to-use, interactive platform to showcase their products and services. With features like consulting, cyber security, data analytics, marketing automation, Saas applications, software development, and software & hardware solutions; this template has everything needed to create a successful online presence.

Develop a full-service digital agency offering IT services, software development, web design, and marketing services. Leverage your skills in web design and software development to create custom solutions for businesses that need help with their digital presence or IT needs. Offer monthly or yearly subscription packages for ongoing maintenance and support.

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"Template #" 335017
Тип: Landing Page Templates
Author: Theme_Family
Downloads: 1
Keywords: clean multipurpose agency bootstrap business corporate creative personal portfolio marketing digital company consulting seo mobile app startup financial developer
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Template # 335017
Type: Landing Page Templates
Author: Theme_Family
Downloads: 1
Keywords: clean multipurpose agency bootstrap business corporate creative personal portfolio marketing digital company consulting seo mobile app startup financial developer
Color: black, grey, brown, blue,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

Features: Ajax, Blog, Bootstrap, Dropdown Menu, Gallery, Google map, HTML 5, HTML plus JS, JQuery, Light Template, Mobile Layout Included, Multipurpose, One Page Templates, Parallax, Performance Optimization, Portfolio, Premium, Pro, Responsive, Retina Ready, Sample content, Search Engine Friendly, Team Members,

databaseServerCompatibility: MySQL 8.0, MySQL 5.7,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

designSoftware: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Google Web Designer,

tags: agency, app, bootstrap, business, clean, company, consulting, corporate, creative, developer, digital, financial, marketing, mobile, multipurpose, personal, portfolio, startup, seo,

Topic: Marketing Agency Templates, Advertising Agency Templates, SEO Website Templates, IT Templates, Web Development Templates, Software Templates, Business & Services, Computers & Internet,

Styles: Artworks, Cartoon, Clean, Collage, Corporate,

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