
3wart – Actor / Artist Html Site Template

Landing Page Templates

This is an Actor / Artist personal site template that can be used by people of any specialty. This template will help you present yourself and your business effectively and in a modern way.

The template has all the necessary functionality for a good presentation, it has: An animated intro on the main page, where you can describe all the main points that describe your personality. Work experience timeline where you can record your jobs and positions and group them by year. Also on the job experience page you can specify additional information using the typewriter effect. Using the modernized slider on the projects page, you will be able to effectively present your projects, individual projects can be opened as a "Modal" where the details of the project will be described in detail. On the contact page there is a contact form, with the help of which site visitors will be able to send you messages in the form of e-mails directly from the site.

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"Template #" 268894
Тип: Landing Page Templates
Author: 3WARTGE
Downloads: 1
Keywords: modern clean agency bootstrap business creative minimal personal portfolio resume cv landing page artist designer responsive onepage timeline actor
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Template # 268894
Type: Landing Page Templates
Author: 3WARTGE
Downloads: 1
Keywords: modern clean agency bootstrap business creative minimal personal portfolio resume cv landing page artist designer responsive onepage timeline actor
Features: Bootstrap, CV, Sample content, Portfolio, One Page Templates, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,

Topic: Art Templates, Artist Portfolio Templates, Personal Page Templates, Art & Culture, Society & People,

tags: actor, agency, artist, bootstrap, business, clean, creative, designer, minimal, modern, personal, portfolio, responsive, resume, cv, onepage, timeline, landing page,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

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