Crustaceans Signature Bold Script
Introducing our new bold, striking, and handmade script font Crustaceans Signature.
Crustaceans Signature is perfect for photography, watermark, social media posts, advertisements, logos & branding, invitation, product designs, label, stationery, wedding designs, product packaging, subheader or header, special events, or anything that need bold script taste.
Crustaceans Signature Comes With:
- Lowercase, Uppercase, and Ligatures
- Numerals & Punctuation
- Accented Characters
- Works on PC & Mac
- Web Fonts
- Crustaceans Signature Font Family (Regular)
- Format File: OTF, TTF, WOFF & WOFF2
- Multiple Languages Supported
I Hope You Enjoy it!
Diki Pradipta Tri Atmojo ^
Pradipta Creative & Lettertype Studio
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"Template #" 370529 | |
Тип: | Fonts |
Author: | PradiptaCreative |
Downloads: | 0 |
Keywords: abstract business coffee design branding brand brochure birthday card blog book classy font bold calligraphy city chic casual canva bookcover |
Template # 370529 |
Type: Fonts |
Author: PradiptaCreative |
Downloads: 0 |
Keywords: abstract business coffee design branding brand brochure birthday card blog book classy font bold calligraphy city chic casual canva bookcover |
filesIncluded: OTF, TTF,
tags: abstract, birthday, bold, book, brand, branding, brochure, business, calligraphy, casual, chic, city, classy, coffee, canva, blog, bookcover, canva design, business card font,
Topic: Animals & Pets, Pet Shop Templates, Art Templates, Photography Templates, Movie Templates, Beauty Templates, Entertainment Templates, Fashion Templates, Music Templates, Design, Art & Culture, Design & Photography, Entertainment, Games & Nightlife, Fashion & Beauty,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Code Editor, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, Sketch, iWork Pages,
tags: abstract, birthday, bold, book, brand, branding, brochure, business, calligraphy, casual, chic, city, classy, coffee, canva, blog, bookcover, canva design, business card font,
Topic: Animals & Pets, Pet Shop Templates, Art Templates, Photography Templates, Movie Templates, Beauty Templates, Entertainment Templates, Fashion Templates, Music Templates, Design, Art & Culture, Design & Photography, Entertainment, Games & Nightlife, Fashion & Beauty,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Code Editor, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, Sketch, iWork Pages,