Rutinitas Signature Fonts

Rutinitas is a signature script Font with an exclusive style. The theme of this font are minimalist, signature, modern, elegant, luxury, glamour, classic and simple lettering. Rutinitas will be great for any projects (with extended license) including : branding, logo, stationery, business card, signage, flyer, brochure etc. Almost all industries will be match for this typeface: wedding, events, real estate, architect, law firm, florist, gardening, makeup artist, travel, hotel, musician etc.
Here’s what you’ll get on the package :
- OTF Files
- TTF Files
Rutinitas Font tested Work well on PC & Mac.
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"Template #" 178622 | |
Тип: | Fonts |
Author: | CalligraphyFonts |
Downloads: | 0 |
Keywords: simple minimalist beautiful luxury wedding black bold handwriting original script signature glamour medium complicated |
Template # 178622 |
Type: Fonts |
Author: CalligraphyFonts |
Downloads: 0 |
Keywords: simple minimalist beautiful luxury wedding black bold handwriting original script signature glamour medium complicated |
Color: white, grey,
tags: beautiful, black, bold, glamour, handwriting, luxury, medium, minimalist, original, script, signature, simple, wedding, complicated,
tags: beautiful, black, bold, glamour, handwriting, luxury, medium, minimalist, original, script, signature, simple, wedding, complicated,