Hollywise - Signature Cursive Font
Introducing Hollywise - Signature Script Font
This Font can be used for any variety of purposes, such as:
Signature, Photography, Wedding Ceremony, Invitation, Packaging, Logo Type, Branding Design, Fashion and also can be used for Business purpose.
This Font Template contains Modern, Elegant, Creative, Professional and Unique Concept.
- Alternate
- Ligatures
- Uppercase and Lowercase letters
- Numbering and Punctuations
- Multilingual Support
- Works on PC or Mac
- Simple Installation
- Support Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, also works on Microsoft Word
Hope you Like it.
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"Template #" 103935 | |
Тип: | Fonts |
Author: | StringLabs |
Downloads: | 0 |
Keywords: modern letter font logotype calligraphy script signature typography handwritten handdrawn handlettering handwritting otf ttf woff |
Template # 103935 |
Type: Fonts |
Author: StringLabs |
Downloads: 0 |
Keywords: modern letter font logotype calligraphy script signature typography handwritten handdrawn handlettering handwritting otf ttf woff |
Color: black, grey, purple,
filesIncluded: OTF, TTF,
tags: calligraphy, font, handwritten, letter, logotype, modern, otf, script, signature, typography, handdrawn, handlettering, ttf, handwritting, woff,
Topic: Web Design Templates, Design, Design & Photography,
compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word,
filesIncluded: OTF, TTF,
tags: calligraphy, font, handwritten, letter, logotype, modern, otf, script, signature, typography, handdrawn, handlettering, ttf, handwritting, woff,
Topic: Web Design Templates, Design, Design & Photography,
compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word,