
Meat and Steak House Drupal Template

Drupal Templates

Meat is known to be a fine source of protein and indispensable food for each of us who wants to live healthy. Though over the last decade, with the rise of factory farming, meat has taken a scary turn, you may change the way of things and start your own online meat and steak house where people will be able to buy antibiotic-free food. This minimalist theme with nice coral accents will help you set up an outstanding resource for introducing your company online. It will reveal the full range of your products and services, as well as involve people into cooking discussions. Choosing this design, you may be sure that every element of your site, including the implemented video player, photo-rich galleries, recipes and blog sections, will work directly to attract new buyers and promote your services online.

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"Template #" 53558
Тип: Drupal Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 18
Keywords: lamb quality factory fresh plant meat beef cutting goat pork smoked roast processing ribs cooked bacon sausages salami slaughtering hams
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Template # 53558
Type: Drupal Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 18
Keywords: lamb quality factory fresh plant meat beef cutting goat pork smoked roast processing ribs cooked bacon sausages salami slaughtering hams
Features: Responsive, Admin Panel, Search Engine Friendly, Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Blog, Portfolio, Forum, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS, Lazy Load effect,

Template Sources: .PSD, .PHP,

drupalModules: Addthis, Back To Top, Colorbox, Ctools, Demo, FAQ, Flexslider, Follow, Getlocations, Libraries, Page Manager Redirect, Superfish, Views, Views jqfx cycle, Views Slideshow, WYSIWIG, Administration Menu, Hide the Toolbar, Block Class, Dismiss, jQuery Easing, jQuery Update, Module Filter, Retina Images, Semantic Views, Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget, Views Isotope - jQuery Isotope,

Additional Info: Well Documented, Customized Modules,

Template Software Required: Adobe Photoshop CC+, ZIP unarchiver, Drupal 7.x, PHP editor.,

Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

tags: beef, cutting, factory, fresh, goat, lamb, meat, plant, pork, processing, quality, roast, sausages,

Topic: Farm Templates, Cattle Farm Templates, Agriculture Templates, Business & Services,

Styles: Neutral, Flat,

Color: black, white, brown,

Gallery Script: CSS and JS, Isotope,

Web Forms: Contact Form, Login Form, User Registration, Advanced Search,

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