
Car Club Responsive Drupal Template

Drupal Templates

Car Club Responsive Drupal Template. Additional features, comprehensive documentation and stock photos are included.
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"Template #" 52297
Тип: Drupal Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 48
Keywords: new car drive race style tournament community driving speed driver road victory model championship show news auto exhibition safety motor rally track cars ford improvement motors rodeo warranty subaru peugeot mitsubishi citroen pilots Skoda roundup xc
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Template # 52297
Type: Drupal Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 48
Keywords: new car drive race style tournament community driving speed driver road victory model championship show news auto exhibition safety motor rally track cars ford improvement motors rodeo warranty subaru peugeot mitsubishi citroen pilots Skoda roundup xc
Features: Responsive, Admin Panel, Search Engine Friendly, Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Advanced Theme Options, Blog, Portfolio, Forum, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS, Lazy Load effect,

Styles: Minimalist, Neutral, Flat,

Gallery Script: CSS and JS, Slider, Isotope,

Web Forms: Contact Form, Advanced Search,

Additional Info: Well Documented, Customized Modules,

drupalModules: Addthis, Back To Top, Colorbox, Ctools, Demo, Flexslider, Libraries, Newsletter, Page Manager Redirect, Panels, Quicktabs, Superfish, Views, Views jqfx cycle, Views Slideshow, WYSIWIG, Administration Menu, Hide the Toolbar, Block Class, Dismiss, jQuery Easing, jQuery Update, Module Filter, Retina Images, Semantic Views, Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget, Views Isotope - jQuery Isotope, Tipsy,

Template Software Required: Adobe Photoshop CC+, ZIP unarchiver, Drupal 7.x, PHP editor.,

Template Sources: .PSD, .PHP,

Topic: Car Club Templates, Car Templates, Cars & Motorcycles,

Color: black, white, grey,

tags: auto, car, cars, championship, community, drive, driver, driving, exhibition, improvement, model, motor, motors, new, news, race, rally, road, rodeo, safety, show, speed, style, tournament, track, victory,

Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

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