Eid Al Adha Flyer Template

Flyer Specification
100% Editable
Fully Scalable
Free Font Used
CMYK Editable Colours
300 DPI
2 Resolution
A4 Size + 1000 X 1000 Px Size
300 DPI / PPI
Ready To Print and Use
Zip File Contains
Ai File 2
EPS File 2
Free Font Link
Flyer Description
Celebrate Eid al-Adha in style with our stunning online flyer! This vibrant and eye-catching design captures the essence of the festival, featuring elegant Arabic calligraphy and intricate geometric patterns. The flyer showcases the significance of Eid al-Adha, with a beautiful illustration of the iconic Kaaba and a majestic silhouette of a sacrificial animal. The text is skillfully arranged to highlight the event details, such as the date, time, and location, ensuring that your guests will be well-informed. With its professional design and seamless layout, this Eid al-Adha flyer is the perfect promotional tool to attract attendees and make your event a resounding success.
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"Template #" 339265 | |
Тип: | Corporate Identity |
Author: | Afroz007 |
Downloads: | 0 |
Keywords: modern creative template banner design poster marketing celebration greeting flyer islamic islam kareem mubarak ramadan eid al adha |
Template # 339265 |
Type: Corporate Identity |
Author: Afroz007 |
Downloads: 0 |
Keywords: modern creative template banner design poster marketing celebration greeting flyer islamic islam kareem mubarak ramadan eid al adha |
filesIncluded: EPS, AI,
tags: celebration, creative, design, flyer, greeting, islam, islamic, kareem, marketing, modern, poster, ramadan, template, eid, mubarak, eid mubarak, eid al adha, eid al adha flyer template, eid al adha mubarak, eid al adha banner,
Topic: Brewery Templates, Religious Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Food & Restaurant, Society & People,